A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

BOREDOM is my own personal interpretation of the #1GAM theme, which for January 2016 was set to HOBBY.

Made during #1GAM January 2016 gamejam.

The game (would you call that?) is an early prototype far from being complete. Although the mechanics are working it lacks in polishment and refinement. Most notably the graphic is just a little nicer than a rough draft, and there's no sound at all.

I plan (hope) to tweak the game in the next month and fill those gaps.


Move the character on the map with the arrow keys. Interact with the map with the X and key.

Indulge in your hobbies, do the chores, go to work. Organize yourself and keep on playing as long as possible. Keep an eye on your avatar attributes, 'tough! The game ends when one of them reaches -10.


boredom_v0_1_0.love 52 kB
boredom_v0_1_0.zip 2.5 MB

Install instructions

The game required the LÖVE framework (version 0.10.0) in order to work.

For Windows, MacOS, and Linux platforms the ".love" file should work, once the correct version of the framework is installed.

For Windows platform, also a self-contained distribution archive is available.

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